Thinking aloud by Clarise
Unicorno Head Keychain!
I have so much to share (including what’s been happening in my life lately) but let me first share about today’s (not-so) Surprise Sale of the Unicorno Head Keychains!
Crochet Bucket Drawstring Bag Pattern (Free)
I think I'm starting to look forward to blogging every Wednesday, I actually put a reminder that today I am going to blog about the Crochet Bucket Drawstring Bag that I made last week! My daughter went to school really early today for her Year-End Concert rehearsal so I got to clear my work earlier today and now, I'm all settled down with a cup of coffee and ready to blog away!
Tips and Pattern: How to Crochet Better & Amigurumi Tiny Heart Pattern
I'll share a little on the very common question
"How do I crochet better/faster/neater/nicer (and so on)?"
Well as the saying goes "Practice Makes Perfect". But I also heard this saying "Perfect Practice Makes Perfect".
There's a difference.
And I'm sharing a pattern for Amigurumi Tiny Heart!
Read on!
Crocodile Stitch Mermaid's Tail (Part 2)
This post will be about the completed Mermaid's Tail!
So I left off Part 1 with completed Row 19.
Here's how it looks like at Row 31. I let Jewel try it on (She was EXCITED) and it's actually perfect for her, but I thought I should add a few more rows so I don't have to keep adding rows later on as she grows. By the way she's very petite for a 4 year-old.
Crocodile Stitch Mermaid's Tail (Part 1)
So recently I am working on a mermaid's tail for my daughter, Jewel. I had been thinking what to make for her for Christmas..