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Thinking aloud by Clarise

Unicorno Head Keychain!

Clarise Chan

Tags hanako, keychain, spring dreams, stellina, surprise sale, tokidoki, Unicorno

Unicorno Head Keychain!
I have so much to share (including what’s been happening in my life lately) but let me first share about today’s (not-so) Surprise Sale of the Unicorno Head Keychains!

Crochet Bucket Drawstring Bag Pattern (Free)

Clarise Jewel

Crochet Bucket Drawstring Bag Pattern (Free)
I think I'm starting to look forward to blogging every Wednesday, I actually put a reminder that today I am going to blog about the Crochet Bucket Drawstring Bag that I made last week! My daughter went to school really early today for her Year-End Concert rehearsal so I got to clear my work earlier today and now, I'm all settled down with a cup of coffee and ready to blog away! 

Tips and Pattern: How to Crochet Better & Amigurumi Tiny Heart Pattern

Clarise Jewel

Tips and Pattern: How to Crochet Better & Amigurumi Tiny Heart Pattern

I'll share a little on the very common question

"How do I crochet better/faster/neater/nicer (and so on)?"

Well as the saying goes "Practice Makes Perfect". But I also heard this saying "Perfect Practice Makes Perfect". 

There's a difference.

And I'm sharing a pattern for Amigurumi Tiny Heart! 

Read on!

Crocodile Stitch Mermaid's Tail (Part 2)

Clarise Jewel

Crocodile Stitch Mermaid's Tail (Part 2)


This post will be about the completed Mermaid's Tail!

So I left off Part 1 with completed Row 19.

Here's how it looks like at Row 31. I let Jewel try it on (She was EXCITED) and it's actually perfect for her, but I thought I should add a few more rows so I don't have to keep adding rows later on as she grows. By the way she's very petite for a 4 year-old.

Crocodile Stitch Mermaid's Tail (Part 1)

Clarise Jewel

Tags Crochet, crocodile stitch, mermaid's tail

Crocodile Stitch Mermaid's Tail (Part 1)
So recently I am working on a mermaid's tail for my daughter, Jewel. I had been thinking what to make for her for Christmas..